摘要:Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) Contract of work with Indonesia Government named PKP2B declare 10 year periode of the contract has to be stock divestment due to Indonesian Government but the implementation lated from the maturity,caused wrest of the divestment by Indonesia Gevernment, Province Government and district government impact by act of district government. In 2003 agreemnet of divestment allocation has be approve. Conclude from that,how the mecanisme of the divestment due ti contract of work? and how the penal resolution by 5% stock that missing by KTE persero?. The purpose of this joernal is knowing,analyizing andexpalined the mecanisme of divestment and penal resolution of missing 5% stock byKTE Persero. Metode of the journal is normatif. Contract of work regenoziation has to be implemented after act no 22/1999 of district government has been overt,so that can make share of the divestment has been cleared to Indonesia Government,Provincial government,District government and not breaking the contract of work (PKP2B).Penal resolution for the 5% missing stock from the KTE Persero is corporation criminal offense so that can trap all the subject which is the person and/ or the the corporation who makes all the stock not been owned by the government anymore.
其他摘要:Sesuai perjanjian kontrak karya PT KPC dengan Pemerintah Indonesia yang disebut dengan PKP2B menyatakan bahwa dalam jangka waktu 10 tahun dilaksanakan divestasi saham PT KPC kepada Pemerintah Indonesia Tetapi Pelaksanaan divestasi terlambat dari jadwal ja
关键词:contact of work;divestment;corporation;penal responsibility