摘要:The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between internal locus of control in children and parents` child rearing attitudes which children perceive. For this purpose,198 fifth grade boys and 163 fifth grade girls were randomly selected and their perception of their parents` child rearing attitudes and their locus of control were measured. Children`s locus of control was measured by A Locus of Control Scale For Children of Nowicki & Strickland (1973) which was translated into Korean and item analysis of which was done. And Children`s perception of their parents` child rearing attitudes measured by Parent-Child Relationship Inventory which was constructed in Korean Testing Center. For the data analysis,t-test and two-way analysis of variance were applied and Pearson correlation coefficient was computed. The results of the present study were as follows;1. The correlations between children`s perception of their parents` child rearing attitudes and locus of control in children were significant partly. Especially,internal children reported their parents as showing less rejective attitude and less different child rearing attitude between father and mother. 2. Sons were more influenced by their parents` child rearing attitudes than daughters in the development of locus of control. 3. Maternal child rearing attitude was more influential than paternal child rearing attitude in the development of locus of control..