期刊名称:Facta Universitatis Series: Linguistics and Literature
出版社:University of Niš
摘要:The paper aims to explore the cognitive status of the correlative conjunction ‘not only … but also’ on a sample of advanced Serbian EFL students. The experiment is based on grammaticality judgments,and it utilizes a reaction time (RT) study,coupled with the moving screens paradigm. Stimuli (sentences) have been constructed based on the most frequent errors identified in students’ exams. Sentences containing errors related to faulty parallelism are presented word-by-word,with a mask,using the Open Sesame software. Increased RTs are understood as correlates of processing difficulties,and in addition to RTs,response accuracy was also recorded. The results show that in the majority of cases a lag in RT occurred precisely in the error position,and such delays were directly connected to sudden drops in the number of accurate responses.
其他摘要:Cilj rada je da ispitamo kognitivni status veznika „not only .. but also“ na uzorku srpskih studenata engleskog jezika na naprednom nivou. Eksperimentalna procedura uključuje ocene gramatičnosti i koristi merenje vremena reakcije posredstvom paradigme “po
关键词:correlative conjunctions;grammaticality judgments;reactions times (RTs);psycholinguistics;Open Sesame;EFL
其他关键词:paralelne strukture;ocene gramatičnosti;vreme reakcije;psiholingvistika;Open Sesame;engleski jezik kao strani