摘要:This longitudinal study examined picture book reading practices with very young children and is influence on early itellectual development. The home picture book reading activities of 322 infants and their mothers were assessed by questionnaire every 6 months from 18 months till 42 months of age. Infants’IQ was measured with Korean-Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Inelligence(Park et al,1996) at 42 months. Results showed that monthly book expense (r- .28,p<.01) and infants' asking for reading (r=.14,p<.05) at 18 months were positively correlated with IQ at 42 months. Reading time between 24 and 42 months correlated positively with IQ(r-.17-.34,p<.01). These results reveal the importance of early book environment and actual reading time in the itellctual development of very young children.
关键词:infant;picture book reading activities;IQ;Longitudinal study