摘要:In this study,modicis of 20$ 4-10 5>)«ar-old prcscbookrre responded lo uggrt公ian episodes of Werner ct al. (2006);pmchwMrs' teachers responded to ihc Preschool Social Behavior Seale (Crick cl 薦 1.,1997). Results showed^ (1) boys exhibited more overt and relational aggression. (2》In overt aggression episode^ mothers used cncoaragcmeni lo boys and rule vioUrion responses to girk in relanorwl aggression episode»、molhere used cnootiragcmcm and power ssscfttcci response to girts. (3) Mothers* power nssaxwtx about oven aggression related negatively with ргояЛоЫт* oven aggressive bchaviois;mothers,disoesion about relational aggression related positively with preschoolers* oven aggressive Im^ications of these fmdmgs for the mütbeni* responses by aggression types were discussed belter understand preschooler's aggressive bchaviocs.