摘要:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale (PIPPS) for Korean young children,with a special confirmative factor analysis. The participants were composed of 435 5-to 6-year-old children and their parents,and 42 teachers. The instruments included the 32-item exploratory PIPPS (Choi & Shin,2008),the Preschool Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ;Park,1992),and the PIPPS on parental reporting. The PIPPS was confirmed,and supported the following constructs resulting in the investigation of 3 factors,``play disruption``,``play interaction``,and ``play disconnection``,along with 30 items similar to the PIPPS (2008). Inter-correlations between the sub-factors of PIPPS with those of criterion measures were validated by ratings from the PBQ and the parent version of the PIPPS. The reliability coefficients of the sub-factors of the PIPPS ranged from .85 to .92. In conclusion,3 factor structure of the PIPPS was appropriate to represent the interactive peer play of Korean young children.
关键词:Penn Interactive Peer Play Scale;Confirmatory Factor Analysis;validity;reliability