摘要:This study examined the moderated effects of self-control on the relationship between elementary :hool children’s excessive use of the Internet and their stress levels. The participants were 403 lementary school children from Chungnam-do. The instruments used were the ‘Internet Addiction .utodiagnosis Scale (K-Scalc)’,the ‘Stress Scale’ and the ‘Self-control Rating Scale’. The collected data ere analyzed by / test,F test and the Scheffe test for a post hoc test,Pearson’s partial correlation id stepwise multiple regression,and Cronbach’s a few reliability by SPSS program (17.0 version). The :sults were as follows : First,it was found that there were significant differences in terms of excessive se of the Internet,stress levels,and self-control by gender,grade,academic achievement,the beginning ear of first Internet access and the number of hours of Internet usage hours per day. Second,there rcK significant positive correlations between excessive use of the Internet (r - .40,p < .001) and stress :vcls (r - .44. p < .001) and the immediate satisfaction of self-control. Finally,the immediate satisfaction f self control was seen to moderate the relationships between the total scores for the excessive use f the Internet and stress levels and between withdrawal of excessive use of the Internet and the ccompanying stress levels.
关键词:excessive use of the Internet;stress;self-control;moderated effect;elementary school children