出版社:Associação Brasileira de Engenharia de Produção
摘要:Paper aims: This study aims to analyze the relationship between teamwork factors and the process of dynamic capability in service providers.Originality: Few researches seek to understand the organizational factors that promote dynamic capacity.In this sense, this research seeks to fill this gap by analyzing the development of dynamic capability from the intrinsic characteristics to teamwork.Research method: In order to reach the research objective, a survey research was carried out in 188 service provider companies and the Partial Least Squares (PLS) was used to analyze the data.Main findings: The results show that the cohesion, autonomy and integration of the team present high levels of positive relation with the processes of absorption, generation, storage and adaptation of knowledge.Implications for theory and practice: The results of this study show that three characteristics that are intrinsic to teamwork (autonomy, integration and cohesion) in multi-unit service providers support the dynamic capability, in terms of the absorption, generation, storage and adaptation of knowledge.