摘要:Flow and thermal field features of microchannel heat sink driven by hybrid nanofluid are portrayed in this study. Porous media approach is employed to examine the thermal distribution in extended surface and C u : γ − A L O O H / W a t e r . Hybrid mixture of nano sized Copper and Boehmite alumina particles are considered to cool the microchannel heat sink. The mathematical expressions are solved numerically via Fourth Fifth order Runge Kutta Fehlberg scheme. The consequences of solid volume fraction of hybrid nanoparticle, porosity and Darcy number on flow field, temperature of fin section and C u : γ − A L O O H / W a t e r are displayed through graphs. Flow velocity of the hybrid nanofluid is reduced with the addition of hybrid particles with concentration 1 − 3 % . It is emphasized that on augmenting nanoparticle volume fraction of hybrid mixtures the temperature profile declines for both cases. Also, heat liberated is transferred into the ambience due to Brownian motion of the nanoparticles resulting better heat transfer.
关键词:Microchannel heat sink ; Hybrid nanofluid ; Porous media ; Fin surface ; Darcy number