摘要:(4YSZ)0.93(Fe2O3)0.07 and 9mol% Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 (9YSZ) were synthesized by co-precipitation
method and their crystalline structure, microstructure, electronic conductivity, total conductivity were
characterized. A limiting current oxygen sensor was assembled with (4YSZ)0.93(Fe2O3)0.07 dense difusion
barrier and 9YSZ solid electrolyte by Pt sintered-paste method. Infuences of temperature (T), oxygen
concentration (x(O2)) and water vapor pressure (p(H2O)) on sensing characteristics of the limiting current
oxygen sensor were investigated. The crystalline structure of (4YSZ)0.93(Fe2O3)0.07 and 9YSZ belong to
cubic structure with Fm3m. The total conductivity of (4YSZ)0.93(Fe2O3)0.07 is higher than that of 9YSZ and
the electronic and total conductivities of the samples meet the linear relationship with 1000/T. The
limiting current oxygen sensor exhibits excellent sensing characteristics under test conditions. The
efects of T, x(O2) and p(H2O) are as follows: Log(IL·T) depends linearly on 1000/T, IL depends linearly on
x(O2) and IL is not signifcantly dependent on p(H2O).