摘要:The pur pose of this stu dy wa s to investigate the weight-training injuries an d their ethiologic factors.A total of 107 sub jects admitted to training centers an d refereed to the out p ati ent clinic parti cipated in this stud y voluntarily.Data obtained from the subjec ts by p ersona l interview s and recorded in sta ndard forms.Of the 107 subjects 39 (36%) were injured during weight-training sessions;13 out of those 39 (34%) had multiple iηjuries.Only 15 of the injured subjects applied fo r medical care (39o∕o).Most common injuries were muscle strains,tendinitis an d ligament sprain s respectively.Weight-lifting,shoulder press an d ben ch press machines were the most fre quently involved app aratus respectively.Rates of warming up,stretching and training with a coach or observer were higher in the non-injured group in comparison with the iryured group.Medication rate wa s higher in the injured group while check-up rate wa s rather low in both groups (2 8o∕o).In conclusion,the m ost common sites of injury in weight training are low back,shoulder an d knee;with the majority of injuries being muscle strains.In addition,lack o f warm ing up and stretching exercises,and training with out program an d trainer emerge as predisp osin g facto rs for weight-training iryuries.