摘要:Wstęp Życie w warunkach wysoko rozwiniętej cywilizacji (stres, brak wysiłku fizycznego, nieracjonalne odżywianie, zanieczyszczenie środowiska) związane jest z szeregiem schorzeń zwanych chorobami cywilizacyjnymi. Jednym z podstawowych procesów funkcjonowania organizmu jest wytwarzanie i wykorzystywanie hormonów oraz enzymów odpowiedzialnych za procesy fizjologiczne i reakcje biochemiczne. Androgeny to jedna z grup hormonów płciowych o budowie sterydowej obejmująca podział androgenów wytwarzanych w jądrach (testosteron, 5-alfa dihydrotestosteron, androsteron) w jajnikach (dihydrotestosteron, androstendion) oraz w korze nadnerczy (testosteron, dehydroepiandrosteron DHEA) [1].
其他摘要:The occurrence of skin lesions in patients with androgen excess syndromes including the analysis of test results hormonal androgen excess in women occurring in the course of endocrine diseases is a big problem interdisciplinary. Based on an analysis of the literature and discussed defined essential problem resulting from disease androgen excess. Acne is the most commonly diagnosed skin disorder in adolescents and young adults. It occurs often in conjunction with an excess of androgen or hypersensitivity of the skin to correct the concentration. The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of androgens on the skin changes in androgen excess syndromes. Material and Methods: The analysis concerned the results of hormonal tests contained in the medical records of 150 young women aged 16 - 36 years. The study group (group A) consisted of 100 patients diagnosed with androgen excess syndrome of ovarian origin. The control group consisted of 50 healthy women do not meet the criterion of the study group. Results: It was found that the vast majority of these were juvenile patients, in whom the hormonal acne, also found increased levels of androgens: SHBG (p=0.016), DHEA-S (p <0.000), testosterone (p <0.000) and androstenedione (p = 0.007) compared to patients in the control group. There was a significant correlation (r=-0.420, P <0.000) between testosterone and androstenedione, SHBG and DHEAS levels (r=-0.391, P <0.000), SHBG r=-0.272; p <0.009). Conclusions: Among the most important hormones that may affect the aknegenezę are androgens, so a detailed understanding of the pathology associated with androgenization is a must for gynecologists, dermatologists, endocrinologists, family physicians, pediatricians and cosmetologists. Acne is an important clinical marker of androgen excess, and the team can not be regarded as a temporary symptom of puberty in adolescent girls. Beauty treatments applied to the skin with acne can be effective without the prior diagnosis of hormone.
关键词:Wstęp Życie w warunkach wysoko rozwiniętej cywilizacji (stres, brak wysiłku fizycznego, nieracjonalne odżywianie, zanieczyszczenie środowiska) związane jest z szeregiem schorzeń zwanych chorobami cywilizacyjnymi. Jednym z podstawowych procesów funkcjonowania organizmu jest wytwarzanie i wykorzystywanie hormonów oraz enzymów odpowiedzialnych za procesy fizjologiczne i reakcje biochemiczne. Androgeny to jedna z grup hormonów płciowych o budowie sterydowej obejmująca podział androgenów wytwarzanych w jądrach (testosteron, 5-alfa dihydrotestosteron, androsteron) w jajnikach (dihydrotestosteron, androstendion) oraz w korze nadnerczy (testosteron, dehydroepiandrosteron DHEA) [1].
其他关键词:The occurrence of skin lesions in patients with androgen excess syndromes including the analysis of test results hormonal androgen excess in women occurring in the course of endocrine diseases is a big problem interdisciplinary. Based on an analysis of the literature and discussed defined essential problem resulting from disease androgen excess. Acne is the most commonly diagnosed skin disorder in adolescents and young adults. It occurs often in conjunction with an excess of androgen or hypersensitivity of the skin to correct the concentration. The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of androgens on the skin changes in androgen excess syndromes. Material and Methods: The analysis concerned the results of hormonal tests contained in the medical records of 150 young women aged 16 - 36 years. The study group (group A) consisted of 100 patients diagnosed with androgen excess syndrome of ovarian origin. The control group consisted of 50 healthy women do not meet the criterion of the study group. Results: It was found that the vast majority of these were juvenile patients, in whom the hormonal acne, also found increased levels of androgens: SHBG (p=0.016), DHEA-S (p <0.000), testosterone (p <0.000) and androstenedione (p = 0.007) compared to patients in the control group. There was a significant correlation (r=-0.420, P <0.000) between testosterone and androstenedione, SHBG and DHEAS levels (r=-0.391, P <0.000), SHBG r=-0.272; p <0.009). Conclusions: Among the most important hormones that may affect the aknegenezę are androgens, so a detailed understanding of the pathology associated with androgenization is a must for gynecologists, dermatologists, endocrinologists, family physicians, pediatricians and cosmetologists. Acne is an important clinical marker of androgen excess, and the team can not be regarded as a temporary symptom of puberty in adolescent girls. Beauty treatments applied to the skin with acne can be effective without the prior diagnosis of hormone.