摘要:Introduction: Pencak silat has a variety of techniques that must be mastered by fighters, especially fighters who will compete in the match category. The technique consists of three basic techniques, namely attack techniques (kicks, punches, elbows), defenses (defiance and avoidance), and falling/ dropping techniques (Widiyanto and Hariono, 2015, p.26). The techniques used in pencak silat matches have different point; among these techniques which have the highest point are falling techniques to knock down opponents with a catch, better known as dropping. Aim of the study: This study is intended to develop a training model of pencak silat dropping technique for the adolescent match category. Material and methods: This development research is based on the model carried out by Borg & Gall that was modified by Sugiyono into two stages, namely the predevelopment and development stages. The instruments used in this research were interviews, questionnaires, observation, and Kinovea software. Result: The small-scale trial participants consisted of 10 PPLP (Student Training Education Center) athletes from Yogyakarta. The large-scale trial participants were 15 teenage athletes joined the Yogyakarta Special Talented Athletes Development (PAB). The results showed 6 types of dropping techniques that have been concluded to be feasible and effective to use by experts based on bio-mechanical analysis. Conclusions: The assessment results from material experts, trainers, and biomechanics on the training model developed through 2 (two) trials and carried out a semiexperimental effectiveness test, where experts gave an assessment of the model through a value scale of more than 80%. This means that the training model is worthy of being used and declared effective as a training model for pencak silat dropping techniques for youth athletes.
关键词:Introduction: Pencak silat has a variety of techniques that must be mastered by fighters, especially fighters who will compete in the match category. The technique consists of three basic techniques, namely attack techniques (kicks, punches, elbows), defenses (defiance and avoidance), and falling/ dropping techniques (Widiyanto and Hariono, 2015, p.26). The techniques used in pencak silat matches have different point; among these techniques which have the highest point are falling techniques to knock down opponents with a catch, better known as dropping. Aim of the study: This study is intended to develop a training model of pencak silat dropping technique for the adolescent match category. Material and methods: This development research is based on the model carried out by Borg & Gall that was modified by Sugiyono into two stages, namely the predevelopment and development stages. The instruments used in this research were interviews, questionnaires, observation, and Kinovea software. Result: The small-scale trial participants consisted of 10 PPLP (Student Training Education Center) athletes from Yogyakarta. The large-scale trial participants were 15 teenage athletes joined the Yogyakarta Special Talented Athletes Development (PAB). The results showed 6 types of dropping techniques that have been concluded to be feasible and effective to use by experts based on bio-mechanical analysis. Conclusions: The assessment results from material experts, trainers, and biomechanics on the training model developed through 2 (two) trials and carried out a semiexperimental effectiveness test, where experts gave an assessment of the model through a value scale of more than 80%. This means that the training model is worthy of being used and declared effective as a training model for pencak silat dropping techniques for youth athletes.