摘要:Background. Previously we shown that Kerdö’s Vegetative Index is not marker of sympatho-vagal balance, but reflects above all Amplitude of α-Rhythm EEG and its Power Spectrum Density in Parietal and Central loci, less options HRV. The aim of present study is analyze the relationships other marker of sympatho-vagal balance Ca/K Plasma Ratio with parameters of HRV. Methods. In basal conditions in twentee volunteers – ten women add ten men aged 33-76 years with diathesis urica recorded Heart Rate Vatiability (HRV) (“Cardiolab+VSR”, KhAI Medica, Ukraine). In blood plasma measured the concentration of Calcium and Potassium. Results. No correlation ascertained between Ca/K Plasma Ratio and LF/HF Ratio (r=-0,07) and LFnu (r=0,09). However, Ca/K Plasma Ratio moderately negatively correlated with vagal markers: SDNN (r=-0,30), RMSSD (r=-0,34), pNN50 (r=-0,36), HRV TI (r=-0,34), absolute PS HF (r=-0,33) and positively with sympathetic marker Amplitude of Moda (r=0,24 for actual values and 0,38 for portion of age norm) as well as with relative PS ULF (r=0,39). The strongest correlations of Ca/K Plasma Ratio proved with absolute PS LF (r=-0,45) and variational sweep: r=-0,42 for actual values and -0,49 for portion of age norm. Canonical correlation between Ca/K Plasma Ratio, on the one hand, and the parameters of HRV, on the other hand, is strong: R=0,713; R2=0,509; Adjusted R2=0,437; F(5,3)=7,0; χ2(5)=25,2; p=10-4. Conclusion. Ca/K Plasma Ratio reflects inversely vagal tone and less direct sympathetic tone, therefore is really marker of sympatho-vagal balance.