摘要:Introduction. Process of formation of physiological curvatures and foot arch should be considered spatially and with regard to several-level biokinetic chain formed by spine, pelvis and lower limbs. Huge variability and mutual relationships of parameters that describe this chain results from the effect of various stressors. Material and Method. 7,509 observations were obtained in the study from urban (5,033 or 67.02%) and rural areas (2,476 or 32.97%). Observations focused on 104 characteristics of the spine and pelvis system in individual age categories. In order to assess these parameters, the authors used a system for computer analysis of body posture that is designed based on the phenomenon of projection moire. Results. Statistical analysis revealed that among characteristics of pelvis and spine, the correlations with characteristics of feet are observed for: differences in the distance of inferior angles of the scapulae from spinous processes measured horizontally along the straight lines; angle of body inclination to the right in the frontal plane and maximum deviation of spinous process of the vertebra to the right. Furthermore, characteristics of feet which are most frequently correlated with parameters of pelvis-spine system are: fifth toe hallux valgus angle and toe varus deformity angle in the right feet. Conclusions 1. Mutual relationships between characteristics of feet and spine-pelvis system are incidental and random. 2. No regularities and logical relationships were found between the parameters of the pelvis-spine system and feet. No mutual effect on each other can be observed and the only observation is their coexistence.
关键词:spatial characteristics of body trunk and feet