出版社:Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
摘要:In the article,a necessity to improve the system for accounting of parameters for additional factors of technical condition of vehicles and road environment facilities allowed for during design and construction of motor roads is substantiated.A procedure for the determination of circumstances and causes of road accidents,taking into account transport,technical and operating conditions,has been developed.An improved algorithm of expert examination with the application of a non-destructive method with use of diagnostic equipment of dynamic impact is offered.The accounting system includes an algorithm of expert examination of road accidents which provides parametric characteristics of objects and conditions for their existence to ensure procedure functioning.Criteria to identify "weak"- sections of motor roads are proposed.A model for the implementation of expert examination taking into account pa- rameters of the subsystem "Vehicle–Road" is proposed.A possibility to determine the risk of road accidents,"weak" sections of operated motor roads,development of an automated data base on motor roads,application of research results in expert opinions upon analysis and reconstruction of road accidents is substantiated.
关键词:Motor road;road surface;vehicle;parameters;expert examination of road accidents.