出版社:Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
摘要:The paper covers designing methods of original structures for vibration activators on the basis of balanced eccentric vibration exciters,which can be used in designs of mixers,feeders and other processing equipment in order to increase intensity and effectiveness of their work.Regularity of the oscillation amplitude,providing stable intensive vibration effect on the processed material,regardless of its structural and rheological properties (size distribution,binder type, etc.),in combination with the constant frequency is a well-known advantage of these vibration activators.The distinctive advantage of the considered vibration exciters from the point of view of machine vibration isolation is a balance of oscillating masses and,as a consequence,reduction of dynamic loads on external objects.The paper presents description of the design;the process of interaction with the treated medium revealing the following property of the balanced eccentric vibration activators: static (dynamic) balancing of the system,set in the air medium,is not affected when dipping the vibration activator into the mix.The paper presents methods of balancing adjustment of vibration activators at the design stage and examples of calculations.
关键词:Vibration exciter;kinematic excitation of oscillations;design technology;dynamic balance.