出版社:Publishing House of the University of Economics in Katowice
摘要:Production,logistics,and traffic/transport face particular challenges in regards to their specialist disciplines. The multidimensionality of the problems calls for an interdisciplinary study of all the specialist disciplines. This is the only way to deliver new approaches,which will then in turn lead to a sustainable increase in the value added chain. The aim and challenge of this research project is,to transfer existing interfaces between the disciplines into a conjunction,enabling a more thorough scientific penetration. With globalization,production companies are increasingly confronted with globally distributed value added chains. As a consequence thereof and due to the freight traffic’s strong growth our transport systems come close to their capacity limits. This in turn hampers our mobility,turning transport from an enabling to a limiting factor for all production and logistics processes. Traffic related decisions made by public authorities have to be considered as well,for they similarly influence production and logistics. When striving for a solid decision-making foundation,with an integrated manufacturing,logistics and traffic model,it is essential that a seamless view of all interdisciplinarities is conducted instead of the commonly used optimization of the sub systems. The need for the dynamic adaption of changes (such as new technologies),coupled with the high responsiveness due to the lack of the demands’ predictability,are the reason for the complexity of such an integrated production,logistics and traffic model. This can easily be derived from megatrends such as "shortening product life cycle” and "quickly changing customer requirements in small market segments”. Businesses as well as governance levels need to make decisions quickly. The knowledge of the sub systems’ general conditions,their quantified description as well as their future predictability,are essential when trying to achieve high dynamics and maximum responsiveness. This in turn will allow the consideration of uniformed system design dimensions.