出版社:Montenegrin Sports Academy and Faculty for Sport and Physical Education
摘要:According to the World Health Organization’s data, obesity is one of the main risk factors for the human health, especially in so called “mature age”, that is in forties and fiftees of the human’s life. There are many causes of obesity, and the most common ones are unadequate or excessive nutrition, low quality food rich in fats and highly caloric sweetener, unsufficient physical activity – hypokinesy, but also technical and technological development of the modern World (TV, cell phones, elevators, cars etc.). The objective of this research is to define the obesity of adults living in the urban settings through BMI (body mass index) and to create, on the basis of these findings, the basis for different applications of the recreational sports programme.
其他摘要:Telesna masa je jedan od najreprezentativnijih indikátora gojaznosti, kao sve učestalijeg fenomena savremenog čoveka. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ustanovi stanje gojaznosti odraslih osoba iz urbane sredine putem BMI (bodi mas indeksa) i na osnovu tih
关键词:Obesity;Body Mass Index;Recreational Sports Programmes