出版社:Montenegrin Sports Academy and Faculty for Sport and Physical Education
摘要:Main goal of this research is identification prognosis of results in criteria variable basic swinging basis on variables of motor abilities. Research has been conducted on sample of 81 students the 3rd year of Faculty of physical education and sport at University of Tuzla. Measuring was accomplished with 24 variables of motor abilities and criteria variable, basic swinging. Results of regressive analyze have shown that success in performing of criteria variable is conditioned with all applied variables of motor abilities, and prognosis of results is exceeds, basis on the entire system of prediction variables in regard to help of individual influence prognosis variables on criteria system.
其他摘要:Skijanje je sport koji se, kada se dobro savlada tehnika, ne može zaboraviti. Ski- janje kao sport postavlja odredene fizičke i psihičke napore za skijaše, zahtjevajuci od njega agilnost, koordinaciju, ravnotežu, snagu i izdržljivost. U kvalitetno organiz