出版社:Montenegrin Sports Academy and Faculty for Sport and Physical Education
摘要:The research purpose was to determine the effects of the experimental program of physical education on morphological characteristics of male pupils from the first-grade of primary school. The experimental program was carried out on the sample of 50 male pupils of the primary schools in Leposavic and Zvecan, age of 7 years ± 6 months. Morphological characteristics were estimated according to 13 variables (body height, total arm length, leg length, biacromial diameter, biiliocristal diameter, wrist width, chest circum ference, upper arm circum ference, upper leg circum ference, triceps skin fold, subscapular skin fold, abdomen skin fold and body mass). The results of the research were processed through standard procedures and basic descriptive parameters were calculated, and variations were determined using multi-variable analysis of variance (MAN′s) and uni-variable analysis of variance (AN′s). Multivariable analysis of variance showed a significant statistic difference in morphological characteristics showed at initial and final measuring. On the basis of the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the experimental program has statistically significant effects on the changes of some morphological characteristics.
其他摘要:Utvrdivanje nivoa morfoloških karakteristika u radu sa učenicama mladeg škol- skog uzrasta predstavlja važan zadatak kako bi mogli da pratimo njihov rast i razvoj. Njihovo praćenje treba da bude u funkciji zadataka savremenog fizičkog vaspitanjausme- reno
关键词:experimental program;morphological characteristics;male pupils;multi-variable analysis of variance (MAN′s);uni-variable analysis of variance (AN′s)