出版社:Montenegrin Sports Academy and Faculty for Sport and Physical Education
摘要:At the sample of 117 subjects- twelve-year-old boys and girls the state and the structure of lordotic spinal deformities were determined. The sample was drawn from the population of pupils of fifth grade from the primary school «L. Simonović» in Nikšić. The state and the structure of lordotic deformities were determined by use of combined measuring methods and techniques, applicable to the mass research in schools. The research proved that lordotic deformities are represented by a considerable percentage in the given population. The highest percentage of the deformities are mild, functional disruptions which can be successfully removed by an appropriate corrective treatment. Our sample proved that lordotic deformities appear most frequently in the lumbal area of the spinal chord.
其他摘要:Lordoza je povećano nefi ziološko iskrivljenje kičme u vratnom i slabinskom di je lu, u sagitalnoj ravni, sa konveksitetom prema naprijed. Kičmeni stub je zbog svoje specifi čne konstrukcije u velikoj mjeri izložen stal nom dejstvu spoljašnjih sila koje d