出版社:Montenegrin Sports Academy and Faculty for Sport and Physical Education
摘要:This work, as a significant segment of one more detailed scientific-researcling project, deals with analysing of interrelations and identity corelative links betwen applyed variables of both morphological dimensions and postural status relating to the seventh-class schoolgirls from seven primary, schools in the area of Podgorica and Nikšić. There is increasing significance of the project for the preciding investigations did not clear up so much the existing problem. Really, there is a lach of knoroledge abont the interrelation and the intensity of influence of the morphological structure upon the status of locomotion apparatus and vice versa, the same mens at the adolescent period. It is veryimportant to stress the observations about interrelative influence and links between some body deformities. The main goal of the work is to indentify and to clear up the problem of concerned influences with the aim of effective action, as soon as of the prevention and the effective elimination of disorders upon the locomotion aparatus relating to schoolchildren and youth. The investigations showed thot there were not significant coefficient of the link between latent motoric dimensions and the estimation according to posture especially some segments of the body.
其他摘要:U zadnje vrijeme došlo je do povećanog interesovanja u proučavanju posturalnih poremećaja kod školske djece i omladine. To je, prije svega, rezultat društvenih nastojanja da se pravovremeno i što efikasnijim sredstvima djeluje na sve prisutnije poremećaje
关键词:disorders of the posture;morphological dimensions;correlation;adolescence;girls