出版社:Centre of Sociological Research, Szczecin, Poland
摘要:Th is paper presents changes in Poland on the basis of describing the infrastructure of water and sewerage,gas,roads and housing after Polish accession to the European Union. Th ese changes caused,that the standard of housing in the country got closer to the city one,among others because so many non-agricultural families resided in the countryside,and farm families also remained there. Despite signifi cant improvements, the level of infrastructure in rural areas is still lower than in the city. It is necessary to fi nance its expansion. Also,despite the reduction of income disparities,the income advantage of the population living in cities compared with those residing in the countryside maintained. Th e study indicates the needs included in the Rural Devel opment Plan (RDP) 2014-2020,the implementation of which will help equalize the standard of living in the countryside and in the city;these are the basics:increasing incomes, improvement of technical infrastructure in rural areas and an increasing share of nonagricultural jobs.