摘要:Cities are characterised by local identities,which have been shaped by natural and cultural values. Constituting elements of local identity are settlement pattern bearing the traces of past,local music,traditional taste,handicrafts and life story. Besides,there has been a fast pace of life owing to globalization,and globally standardized cities,where local identities are ignored,have been emerged in planning design-implementation process. From this viewpoint,Cittaslow movement has become a major turning point for liveable and sustainable cities that emphasize the local character. In this context,in the study,it is aimed to raise awareness about Cittaslow which is an example of an urban model for sustainability. In line with this purpose,the importance of Cittaslow approach and the criteria that are needed to be met for being a member of the Association of Cittaslow have been revealed. In line with these criteria Cittaslow cities in Turkey were discussed comparatively in terms of their features were considered. Examples from our country have been evaluated together with the international Cittaslow examples. In addition,proposals have been made by developing strategies in planning- designing and implementation process for the Cittaslow approach.
其他摘要:Kentleri karakterize eden sahip oldukları doğal ve kültürel değerlerle şekillenmiş yerel kimlikleridir. Yerel kimliği oluşturan öğeler ise geçmişin izlerini taşıyan yerleşim dokusu,yerel müziği,geleneksel tatları,el sanatları ve yaşam hikayesidir. Bununla
关键词:Local identity;quality of life;sustainability;sustainable cities;slow city;Turkey.