摘要:The research and development aims to produce a map of lokal potential of schools and packaged in materials that focus on developing the processes skills. Junior high school who inventoried lokal potential of schools in Bantul district are SMPN 1 Pandak,SMPN 1 Sedayu,SMPN 2 Bambanglipuro,SMPN 3 Pajangan. Data collection instruments such as questionnaires,observation sheet lokal potential of schools. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative techniques. The results showed that most tea- chers are familiar with the lokal potential of schools,but only a small fraction use it or pack it in lesson plans or worksheet. In addition,the lokal potential of schools were found among a variety of plants,trash in the neighborhood schools,pools and meadows that school yard then packed into worksheet. The work- sheet revised according to expert lecturers advice on aspects of the content,language,presentation and lay out. Based on the results of the identification process skills that appear in the worksheet include:ob- serving,classifying,tabulating the data,doing experiment,measuring,interpreting the data,concluding.
其他摘要:Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan peta potensi lokal sekolah dan menge- masnya dalam bahan ajar yang difokuskan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan proses SMP yang diin- ventarisasi potensi lokalnya adalah SMP di Kabupaten Bantul antar
其他关键词:pembelajaran biologi;potensi lokal sekolah;keterampilan proses