标题:Economic justification for the new approach of using videobased smoke detection with the aim of decreasing total costs incurred by the untimely detection of fires on ships
期刊名称:Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin
摘要:Although various methods of using new techniques and technologies in ship fire alarm systems have been developed to date,some of which have made significant improvements in the functioning of such systems,in practice there is still plenty of room for further research regarding the operational efficiency of ship fire alarm systems and its impact on crew,passenger and overall ship safety.The application of electronic and computer technologies enables the development of intelligent solutions to improve the efficiency of ship fire alarm systems.Besides the economic justification,this paper presents a comparative analysis of classical and modern approaches based on video detection and computer vision in the detection of early phase smoke as a precursor to fire incidents.The economic justification of the new approach is concerned with decreasing the costs incurred by the untimely detection of the early stages of fire in ship engine rooms.
其他摘要:Indonesia merupakan Negara dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar di Asia Tenggara.Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan Indonesia menjadi pasar terbesar dan prospektif bagi Negaranegara lain.Pemberlakukan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) di penghujung tahun 2015 dinilai berdampak besar bagi perekonomian Indonesia,khususnya kalangan Usaha Mikro,Kecil dan Menengah (UKM).Hal tersebut dikarenakan oleh hilangnya bea masuk produk impor yang mengakibatkan meningkatnya jumlah produk asing yang masuk ke pasar domestic.Produk impor,khususnya produk yang berasal dari Malaysia,Singapore,Thailand dan Philippine,dinilai memiliki kualitas dan daya saing yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan UKM dalam negeri.Menghadapi hal itu,Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan strategi pengembangan bagi UKM agar dapat bersaing di era globalisasi,khususnya MEA..