期刊名称:Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin
摘要:EPC models provide a subject widely discussed in the literature.The principles applicable,while creating them have been elaborated upon in numerous publications.An analysis of the existing principles indicates certain inconsistencies as far as the creation of hierarchical models is concerned.The problem of combining equivalent EPC models using process interfaces has been discussed in the author’s previous publication.This paper continues to elaborate upon the problems previously raised,pertaining to EPC model linking by means of hierarchical functions.It addresses principles significant from the perspective of creating and linking such models using the aforementioned approach.Specific questionable situations have been described and individual solutions proposed to enable avoiding them.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor–faktor yang mempengaruhi penghimpunan deposito mudharabah pada bank syariah di Indonesia tahun 2005 hingga tahun 2013.Analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode vector auto regression (VAR).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk domestik bruto (PDB) dan jumlah kantor berpengaruh signifikan terhadap deposito mudharabah,sedangkan tingkat inflasi dan tingkat bagi hasil tidak berpengaruh terhadap deposito mudharabah..
关键词:hierarchical EPC models;business process modelling;hierarchical functions