期刊名称:Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin
摘要:The aim of the article was to evaluate accuracy in determining a vessel position’s coordinates in respect to permanent signs,with sequence adjustments method applied.General theory of geodesic classical adjustment,based on a least square method and of sequence adjustments has been presented in its first part.The main part of the paper contains description of the research.It was conducted based on a vessel going from the seaport of Świnoujście to the seaport of Szczecin,determining the positions in respect to navigational structure made by aids in navigation located in Szczecin Lagoon.It consisted in simulating results of measurements in respect to marks of the structure (bearings and distances) and calculating position’s coordinates and its accuracy based on the results.The calculations were conducted with classical geodesic adjustment and sequence adjustments methods applied.Considerations regarding results obtained from the research have been performed and general conclusions drawn in the end part.
其他摘要:Висвітлено співвідношення диверсії та терористичного акту,яке включає у себе:1) порівняльний аналіз кримінально–правових норм,передбачених статтями 113 та 258 КК України;2) дослідження питань про конкуренцію цих норм і відмежування її від сукупності таких злочинів..