期刊名称:Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin
摘要:The factor of thermal efficiency,used for the assessement of the use of heat in the diesel engine working cycles,has been based on the the first law of thermodynamics only.This paper indicates the fact that to achieve more comprehensive thermodynamic analyses it is necessary to use factors based on the two laws of thermodynamics.One such factor herein proposed is the exoergic efficiency.The method for the determination of this factor for the main engine is presented.Original relations involving the exoergic efficiency are set out.The factor depends on the ambient temperature.
其他摘要:The article reveals the features of the manufacturing techno logy’s development and its effect on the composite antifriction materials’ structure and properties based on high alloyed steel 86H6NFТ grinding waste with solid lubricant CaF2 additions for high rotational printing equipment.The technological operations for the metal grinding wastes regeneration were worked out,and valuable raw materials were used to produce high–quality composite friction parts.Parameters of technological operations for manufacturing antifriction materials from grinding waste steel 86Х6НФТ with CaF2 additives have been deter?mined.The features of the structure formation and their influ?ence on the properties of new materials for antifriction parts have been illustrated.The materials of such kind can be used in self–lubricating mode in heavy duty operation.The prospects of appliying of recycled and reclaimed grinding waste of high–alloy cast steels has been proven.This raw material can be effectively used for the synthesis of high?quality structural parts.It was shown that the functional properties of the printing equipment’s parts can be control?led in the technological way,first of all,by the composites chemical composition,choosing for this purpose one or another grade of metal grinding waste.It depends on the part working conditions,and it is necessary to apply the optimal technological manufacturing modes to obtain a predetermined structure and functional properties’ predicted level.
关键词:marine power plant;main engine;efficiency factor;ambient temperature
其他关键词:cудовые энергетические установки;главные двигатели;КПД двигателя;температура окружающей среды