摘要:in the long–term perspective,this study aims to improve Indonesia’s competitiveness through the application of labor standardization.The specific objectives of this study was,first identify the areas of competence that must be owned agro–industry sector workforce in Indonesia.Second,formulate a model strategy (grand strategy) agro–industry sector workforce development in Indonesia.Third,formulate an effective policy alternatives to improve the competitiveness of agro–industry sector workforce in Indonesia.Fifth,to formulate indicators of competence as the basis for assessment of the labor certification in agroindustry sector in Indonesia.The method of analysis used in this study were (a) Analysis of Mapping Functions work,EFI & EFE Matrix Analysis,SWOT Analysis,Policy Analysis,and Basic Function Analysis.Based on the analysis of the work function mapping got the result that the area of competence that must be owned by the agro–sector employment in Indonesia,namely 5 (five) key functions include 1) development process,2) development of quality standards,3) the technical development of packaging,4) development of storage ,and 5) development of marketing and business strategy.SWOT analysis results indicate that the agro–industry sector in workforce development is in quadrant III is a grand strategy to turn aroundstrategy.The alternative strategy of agro–industry sector workforce development in Indonesia include strategies SO and WO of each there are 4 strategies,ST strategies totaling 3 and WT strategies amounted to 2.Policy Analysis of the results obtained there are 30 alternative policies agro industrialsector workforce development.One is the restructuring of the Training Center by establishing a vocational training center specialized agro–industry.The results of the analysis ofthe basic functions and processes in the production of agro–industries can be generated 65 competence of workers in the agroindustrialsector of Indonesia.
其他摘要:dalam perspektif jangka panjang, penelitianini bertujuan meningkatkan dayasaing tenaga kerja
Indonesiamelalui penerapan standarisasi. Adapun tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah, pertama mengidentifikasi
bidang kompetensi yang harus dimiliki tenaga kerja sektor agroindustri di Indonesia. Kedua, merumuskan
model strategi (grand strategy) pengembangan tenaga kerja sektor agroindustri di Indonesia. Ketiga, merumuskan
alternatif kebijakan yang efektif untuk meningkatkan daya saing tenaga kerja sektor agroindustri di
Indonesia.Keempat, merumuskan indikator kompetensi sebagai dasar penilaian sertifikasi tenaga kerja pada
sektor agroindustri di Indonesia. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis pemetaan
fungsi kerja, SWOT dan fungsi dasar. Berdasarkan analisis pemetaan fungsi kerja di dapat kesimpulan bahwa
bidang kompetensi yang harus dimiliki oleh tenaga kerja sector agroindustri di Indonesia terdiri dari5 (lima)fungsi kunci meliputi 1) pengembangan proses pengolahan, 2) pengembangan standarisasi mutu, 3)
pengembangan teknis pengemasan, 4) pengembangan penyimpanan, dan 5) pengembangan strategi pemasaran
dan bisnis. hasil análisis SWOT didapat kesimpulan bahwa sector agroindustri dalam pengembangan tenaga
kerja berada dalam kuadran III yaitu grand strategy berbenah diri atau turn around strategy. Hasil análisis
fungsi dasar dihasilkan 65 kompetensi tenaga kerja sector agroindustri di Indonesia.