摘要:Human resource management is critical and the focus of many organizations in achieving a competitive advantage.Based on previous studies that assessed the effect of employee performance has an impact on organizational culture,compensation,and employee motivation.From these studies need to be tested further with the addition / change of variables,among others,the effect of compensation on work motivation and performance,organizational culture on work motivation and performance of employees,through an empirical study of an administrative officer at UB PTIIK .From the results of this study concluded that the compensation has not been able to contribute to work motivation and performance.However,cultural organizations such as the application of the rules given employee influence on employee motivation PTIIK UB that will make a positive contribution to the performance of employees .
其他摘要:Manajemen sumberdaya manusia sangat penting dan menjadi fokus banyak organisasi dalam
mencapai keunggulan kompetitif. Berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu dinilai bahwa pengaruh kinerja pegawai
memiliki dampak terhadap budaya organisasi, kompensasi, dan motivasi pegawai. Dari penelitian-penelitian
tersebut perlu diuji lebih lanjut dengan penambahan/perubahan variabel antara lain pengaruh kompensasi
terhadap motivasi kerja dan kinerja, budaya organisasi terhadap motivasi kerja dan kinerja pegawai, melalui
studi empiris terhadap pegawai administrasi pada PTIIK Universitas Brawijaya. Dari hasil penelitian dapat
disimpulkan bahwa Kompensasi belum mampu memberikan kontribusi terhadap motivasi kerja dan kinerja.
Akan tetapi budaya organisasi seperti penerapan tentang aturan-aturan yang diberikan pegawai berpengaruh
terhadap motivasi kerja pegawai PTIIK UB sehingga akan memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap kinerja