期刊名称:Annals of the University of Craiova: Economic Sciences Series
出版社:Universitaria Craiova
摘要:The setting of the equilibrium between the demand and the supply of human resources an labor market is the research theme for more an more specialists today.In the process of solving this problem,an important contribution is made by marketing studies and especially those in education marketing.Starting from labor market characteristics,with its two parts – demand and supply,we have proposed in this paper to motivate the necessity for a specific approach of strategic marketing in pre-education as a mean for a correspondence between the demand and the supply on this market.The study is based on a precise analysis of the number and structure of some professional school graduates from Dolj County and highlights the strategic directions that must be followed in order to reduce the unemployment level among young graduates of preuniversity education.
关键词:labor market;strategic marketing;demand and supply;strategies;preuniversity educational.