期刊名称:Annals of the University of Craiova: Economic Sciences Series
出版社:Universitaria Craiova
摘要:This present study analyses a stringent and current problem of the economy which resides from the measurements of the proportion of production which lead to the growth of the amount of waste resulted from production and influence its efficiency.The first part of the study tries to point out the existing connection between the design of the fault research and the documentation of the fault research.The research of these two concepts underlines some similarities between the design and the documentation of fault research starting from the agents involved in these processes,from the need of including all the elements of the enterprise in these processes,from the way of looking at documentation as the most active part of the research process of the faults which has to be continuously revised and modified along time.After analysing the defining elements of the two concept one reaches to the conclusion that in order to study thoroughly the documentation of the fault research one also needs to point out the processes which are characteristic for this process and which are not found in the design of fault research.Starting from this statement,the field of the concept of fault research documentation is mentioned and analysed thoroughly with the help of some new concepts as: the needs and the function of the process,possible faults,possible effects of the fault,severity(S),classification (CLAS),possible fault mechanisms and causes,fault production (P(),current control process,identification(I),etc.The analysis of these new concepts and the enlargement of some of their elements give the possibility to know in detail and to document upon the fault research.This idea is sustained with the help of some tables which classify the severity of the effects resulted from the fault research,the classification of the possible fault rates for the fault research process,the classification of the probability of identifying the control process,etc.According to the facts presented in the three tables there are some specific elements for the documentation of the fault research.At the same time,this study aims to point out the multiple economic and social significations of the production fault and the possibilities to reduce them in a certain period of time.These new sides of the documentation in fault research increase the practical value of the present study and prove at the same time that the methodology used in fault research may also be used for other problems which are outside the field of quality management.