摘要:Low productivity leads to competition among fishermen to get fish catches are becoming increasingly stringent because the regime of fish resources management is open (open access).These conditions are prone to conflict.This research is normative–qualitative research,design and method are combination of normative research methods and sociological research methods.There were many factors that cause conflicts between fishermen in Madura that erroneous perception about the ownership of the sea,differences in use of fishing tool,and violations of fishing area.The Conflict is resolved bet–ween the head of the fishermen's group,which was attended by village officials and community leaders.If that not works,the village officials will involve Pol.Airud,KAMLA,and the Department of Fisheries and Marine Affairs,and the results are set forth in the form of a written agreement.
其他摘要:Rendahnya produktivitas nelayan menyebabkan persaingan antar nelayan untuk mendapatkan hasil tangkapan semakin lama semakin ketat,karena rezim pengelolaan sumber daya ikan bersifat terbuka (open access).Kondisi tersebut rentan terhadap konflik.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif–kualitatif sehingga desain dan metodenya merupakan perpaduan antara metode penelitian normatif dan metode penelitian sosiologis.Faktor penyebab konflik antarnelayan di Madura yaitu persepsi yang keliru tentang kepemilikan laut,perbedaan penggunaan alat tangkap ikan,dan pelanggaran jalur penangkapan ikan.Konflik–konflik yang telah terjadi diselesaikan secara musyawarah bersama antara ketua kelompok nelayan yang konflik,dihadiri kepala desa dan tokoh masyarakat.Jika melalui cara itu tidak selesai,kepala desa akan melibatkan Pol.Airud,KAMLA,dan Dinas Perikanan Dan Kelautan setempat,dan hasil kesepakatannya dituangkan dalam bentuk tertulis.
关键词:conflict between fishermen;causes of conflict;resolution of conflict;Madura