摘要:The presence of Regulation the President No.112 of 2007 is expected to realize the presence of a modern store that can compete in a healthy and fair with traditional markets.Although it has been mentioned that the establishment of modern stores have to pay attention spatial plan district,does not detract from the fact zoning violations on the establishment of a modern store.The study was based on indepth interviews with informants,traditional markets,modern store merchants,officials in the region Bangkalan,Sampang,Pamekasan,Sumenep.The results of this study can be concluded that the competition between the traditional market with modern stores after the enactment of Regulation the Presidential No.112 of 2007 increasingly stringent,as evidenced by the increasing proliferation of modern stores,especially the mini–sale systems and types of merchandise similar to the traditional markets.The factors that became the driving and inhibiting competition is no regulation and management matters.Efforts are being made in overcoming the constraints of competition through improved physical infrastructure,but have not touched on the professionalism of the management of traditional markets.
其他摘要:Kelahiran Perpres 112 Tahun 2007 diharapkan dapat mewujudkan kehadiran toko modern yang dapat bersaing secara sehat dan adil dengan pasar tradisional.Meski telah disebutkan pendirian toko modern harus memperhatikan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah (RTRW) Kabupaten,tidak mengurangi fakta terjadinya pelanggaran zonasi pendirian toko modern.Penelitian ini didasarkan pada wawancara mendalam dengan informan,pedagang pasar tradisional,pedagang toko modern,pejabat terkait di wilayah Kabupaten Bangkalan,Sampang,Pamekasan,Sumenep.Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan kompetisi antara pasar tradisional dengan toko modern pasca Perpres No.112 Tahun 2007 semakin ketat,dengan meningkatnya jumlah toko modern minimarket yang sistem penjualan dan jenis barang dagangannya sama dengan pasar tradisional.Faktor yang menjadi pendorong dan penghambat kompetisi adalah tiadanya legislasi daerah dan aspek manajemen.Upaya yang telah dilakukan dalam mengatasi kendala kompetisi melalui peningkatan sarana dan prasarana fisik,namun belum menyentuh pada sisi profesionalitas pengelolaan pasar tradisional.
关键词:competition;traditional market;modern store after the enactment Regulation the President No.112 of 2007
其他关键词:kompetisi;pasar tradisional;toko modern Pasca Perpres No.112 Tahun 2007