摘要:The speeding up of socio-economic changes in the past fifty years played a key role in the depopulation phenomenon of part of the Alps, in particular, in the southern and eastern Alpine municipalities (Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, 2015, Elmi et al . 2018). Recent studies highlight that the most pressing challenges are a generalised ageing population and spatial polarization between growing and declining areas. Hence, the most populated municipalities often act as centres of service, commerce and employment, attracting flows of population that commute or move from neighbouring areas (Bätzing et al. 1996, Fondazione Montagne Italia 2018, Elmi et al. 2018, ESPON 2018). Many of the economical and organisational mountain models have been out-marketed by larger and external competitors, leading to abandonment of consolidated practices. With regard to the agro-sylvo-pastoral sector, a recent study promoted by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention (2018) highlighted that many Alpine farms have disappeared in the last thirty years (from 570,000 Alpine farms altogether in 1980, only 260,000 remained in 2010) and more than half the farm managers, mostly in Italy, have given up their activities. This decrease mostly concerned small farms with less than 10 hectares – generally family farms that characterise the Alps and mountain areas worldwide (Wymann von Dach et al. 2013, Guiomar et al . 2018). These trends of land abandonment – also affecting the two case studies identified – contribute to the further marginalisation of mountain territories (Chand, 2016), referring to their political, social and economic powerlessness and disadvantage (Billson 2005). In the long-term, these trends can also negatively affect the maintenance of the cultural landscape, local resources and increase risks (e.g. natural and hydrogeological) also in connection with the effects of climate change. The authors were interested in detecting cases of interest in mountain territories to understand which elements were contributing to coping with the consequences and reversing the general trends. The focus was particularly in the territories of the North Eastern Italian Alps. Here, drivers have been operating on a long-term perspective, causing classified situations of primary marginalisation risk due to territories remaining outside the main communication, exchange channels and a lack of supporting policies for rural mountain development.
其他摘要:Changes in the socio-economic framework that have taken place since the late 1960s have disrupted the multi-centennial balanced models of organisation in mountain communities, leading to a series of challenges in the socio-economical, cultural and environmental spheres. Mountain communities, independently or with the support of local and regional authorities, tried to halt or reverse these processes. In some cases, the effort is not only collective, but the sum of different individuals belonging or related to the community. Processes of social innovation arose sparsely in various alpine territories, and many of them are connected to a novel interest in the primary sector by locals and new residents. The combination of both, but not exclusively, could be considered as generating “new farming”. Authors present two cases identified in the north eastern part of the Italian Alps, which can be associated to this phenomenon. One has been analysed as an external initiative, in which the other authors were involved in supporting ongoing processes. Emerging common elements identified include multi-functionality, new job opportunities and profiles, more substantial social effects and the presence of a series of barriers. At present, actions and projects of social innovation, which are able to anticipate the changes and challenges of the future, seem to be inadequately addressed and deserve attention.
关键词:Alpes; innovation sociale; néo-ruraux; développement communautaire; nouvelle agriculture
其他关键词:Alps; social innovation; neo-rurals; community development; new farming