出版社:Associação de Neurologia Cognitiva e do Comportamento
摘要:Brief cognitive tests (BCTs) are necessary for early detection of cognitive impairment, particularly in primary care settings. Objective: This report describes a systematic review of BCTs evaluated in Peruvian populations. Methods: We used systematic mapping techniques to identify articles on screening tests for cognitive impairment involving Peruvian subjects. We included studies published in English and Spanish up to 2018. We reviewed 6 reference databases within the Virtual Health Library network, as well as the Web of Science, Scopus (MEDLINE), and EMBASE databases. Results: Ten out of 447 articles met the inclusion criteria. Studies included both outpatient (9) and community-based (2) samples. Eligibility criteria of the studies were similar. Although different protocols were applied, the diagnostic criteria were standardized. For discrimination between dementia and controls, IFS (AUC: 0.99) and ACE (AUC: 0.95 to 1.00) showed superior performance, as did the M@T (AUC: 1.00) and CDT-Mv (AUC: 0.94 to 1.00) for discriminating between Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and controls. Conclusion: The available evidence is limited. However, our analysis of national data suggests that the ACE may be a good choice whenever it can be applied to Peruvian patients. Alternatively, the M@T and IFS can be used for screening patients with suspected AD or FTD, respectively.
关键词:comprometimento cognitivo;demência;doença de Alzheimer;demência frontotemporal;testes cognitivos breves