期刊名称:Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education
出版社:Cappelen Damm Akademisk NOASP
摘要:I denne artikkelen stilles spørsmål om erfaringer av sårbarhet kan gis relevans i relasjon til profesjonsetisk kompetanse i lærerutdanning: Kan vi få fram troverdig kunnskap om betydningen av lærerutdannerens opplevde sårbarhet i undervisningssituasjonen? Hvilken betydning kan opplevd sårbarhet ha for lærerutdannerens profesjonsetiske kompetanse? Kan sårbarhet bli en kvalitet ved undervisning i lærerutdanning? I så fall hva er betingelsen for det? Undervisning om skapende dans i kroppsøvingslærerutdanning brukes som case, der en lærerutdanners metarefleksjon over egen undervisning brukes som materiale. Metarefleksjonene analyseres videre gjennom etiske og fenomenologiske begreper, som mellomkroppslig samspill og kroppslig resonans. Analysen får fram at det å tenke om sårbarhet som profesjonsetisk kompetanse kan være verdt å diskutere; herunder om sårbarhet og bearbeidelsen av dette kan være en ressurs for å skape gode relasjoner til studentene, inngå som en beredskap for å møte etiske valgsituasjoner, bidra til å handle moralsk i undervisingsøyeblikket, samt være en kilde til empati. Konklusjoner fra analysene er at det å vedkjenne seg og å bearbeide sårbarhet bør kunne gjøres relevant som bidrag inn i lærerutdannerens profesjonsetiske kompetanse og bli en kvalitet ved undervisning i lærerutdanning. Is vulnerability relevant as professional ethical competence? This article asks whether experience of vulnerability can be given relevance in relation to professional ethical competence in teacher education: Can we obtain credible knowledge about the importance of teacher educator’s experienced vulnerability in the teaching situation? What is the significance of experienced vulnerability to the teacher’s professional ethical competence? Can vulnerability become a quality by teaching in teacher education? If so, what are the conditions for that? Teaching about creative dance in physical education teacher education is used as a case study, where a teacher educator’s meta reflection on own teaching is used as material. The meta reflections are further analyzed through ethical and phenomenological concepts, such as intercorporeality and bodily resonance. The analysis shows that thinking about vulnerability as a professional ethical competence can be worth discussing; including how vulnerability and understanding of this can be a resource for creating good relationships with students; as part of a readiness to meet ethical choices; helping to act morally in the teaching situation, and being a source of empathy. Conclusions from the analyzes are that acknowledging and processing vulnerability should be made relevant as a contribution to the teacher educator’s professional ethics competence and become a quality through teaching teacher education.
其他摘要:This article asks whether experience of vulnerability can be given relevance in relation to professional
ethical competence in teacher education: Can we obtain credible knowledge about the
importance of teacher educator’s experienced vulnerability in the teaching situation? What is the
significance of experienced vulnerability to the teacher’s professional ethical competence? Can vulnerability
become a quality by teaching in teacher education? If so, what are the conditions for
that? Teaching about creative dance in physical education teacher education is used as a case study,
where a teacher educator’s meta reflection on own teaching is used as material. The meta reflections are further analyzed through ethical and phenomenological concepts, such as intercorporeality and
bodily resonance. The analysis shows that thinking about vulnerability as a professional ethical
competence can be worth discussing; including how vulnerability and understanding of this can
be a resource for creating good relationships with students; as part of a readiness to meet ethical
choices; helping to act morally in the teaching situation, and being a source of empathy. Conclusions
from the analyzes are that acknowledging and processing vulnerability should be made relevant
as a contribution to the teacher educator’s professional ethics competence and become a quality
through teaching teacher education.