首页    期刊浏览 2025年01月10日 星期五


  • 标题:Kroppsøvingslæreren som en inkluderende pedagog i skjæringspunktet mellom individ og samfunn
  • 其他标题:The physical education teacher as an inclusive educator at the intersection of individual and society
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  • 作者:Knut Westlie ; Kjersti Mordal Moen
  • 期刊名称:Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education
  • 电子版ISSN:2535-2857
  • 出版年度:2020
  • 卷号:4
  • 期号:1
  • 页码:19-33
  • DOI:10.23865/jased.v4.1530
  • 出版社:Cappelen Damm Akademisk NOASP
  • 摘要:Forskning har vist at kroppsøvingsfaget favoriserer enkelte elevgrupper og marginaliserer andre (se f. eks. Dowling, 2016; Fitzpatrick, 2013; Gerdin et al., 2019; Öhman, Almqvist & Meckbach, 2014). Denne artikkelen baserer seg på data fra et internasjonalt forskningssamarbeid mellom forskere fra New Zealand, Sverige og Norge; EDUHEALTH. Prosjektet har som mål, gjennom et «bottom-up» perspektiv, å studere de presumptivt gode eksemplene på kroppsøvingslærere som jobber sosialt inkluderende i faget. Dette er lærere som anerkjenner sosiale bakgrunnsvariabler og sosial ulikhet, og som tar høyde for dette i sin undervisning for å skape inkludering snarere enn utenforskap. Denne artikkelen bygger på observasjon (Critical Incident Technique) og intervju (Stimulated-Recall Interview) med én kroppsøvingslærer i New Zealand. Vi har benyttet Bronfenbrenners utviklingsøkologiske modell som analytisk rammeverk. Våre analyser viser at lærerens inkluderende handlingsvalg i undervisningen springer ut fra faglige refleksjoner basert på kunnskap om elevene i skjæringspunktet mellom individ og samfunn. Våre funn viser med andre ord at inkluderende undervisning er både en praksis og en prosess som krever refleksjon på mikro-, meso-, ekso- og makronivå. The physical education teacher as an inclusive educator at the intersection of individual and society Previous research has shown that Physical Education (PE) favors some student groups and marginalizes others (e.g., Dowling, 2016; Fitzpatrick, 2013; Gerdin et al., 2019; Öhman, Almqvist & Meckbach, 2014). This article is based on data from an international research collaboration between researchers from New Zealand, Sweden and Norway; EDUHEALTH. The purpose of the project is, through a “bottom-up” perspective, to study the presumptively good examples of physical education teachers who teach in a socially inclusive way. The teachers in this study recognize that social background variables and social inequality matter, and take this into account in their teaching to create social inclusion in PE. Data in this article are based on observation (Critical Incident Technique) and interview (Stimulated-Recall Interview) with one physical education teacher in New Zealand. Drawing on Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, our analyses show that the teacher’s inclusive choices of action are rooted in reflections based on knowledge about the students in the juncture between the individual and the society. In other words, our findings show that inclusive teaching is both a practice and a process that requires reflection at the micro, meso, exo and macro levels.
  • 其他摘要:Previous research has shown that Physical Education (PE) favors some student groups and marginalizes others (e.g., Dowling, 2016; Fitzpatrick, 2013; Gerdin et al., 2019; Öhman, Almqvist & Meckbach, 2014). This article is based on data from an international research collaboration between researchers from New Zealand, Sweden and Norway; EDUHEALTH. The purpose of the project is, through a “bottom-up” perspective, to study the presumptively good examples of physical education teachers who teach in a socially inclusive way. The teachers in this study recognize that social background variables and social inequality matter, and take this into account in their teaching to create social inclusion in PE. Data in this article are based on observation (Critical Incident Technique) and interview (Stimulated-Recall Interview) with one physical education teacher in New Zealand. Drawing on Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, our analyses show that the teacher’s inclusive choices of action are rooted in reflections based on knowledge about the students in the juncture between the individual and the society. In other words, our findings show that inclusive teaching is both a practice and a process that requires reflection at the micro, meso, exo and macro levels.
  • 关键词:Skole; respekt; omsorg; sosial inkludering; kroppsøving; Bronfenbrenner
  • 其他关键词:School; respect; care; social inclusion; physical education (PE); Bronfenbrenner