出版社:Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca
摘要:Organizations from diverse segments, public and private, seek to act in the modality of the project management, using techniques and tools with clear and pre-defined objectives. However, the company must obtain a sustainable competitive advantage over its competitors, acquiring unique characteristics to keep its market open by overcoming other companies. This study is a bibliometric research that analyzes the practices of project management and sustainable competitive advantage through a qualitative and exploratory approach in the Scopus database. In this context, we analyzed the 10 articles most cited and the 5 most current articles of each theme researched. The results highlight that project management positively influences the success of organizations, resulting in a sustainable competitive advantage, both short and long term.
关键词:Práticas Gestão de Projetos; Vantagem Competitiva Sustentável; Bibliometria.