摘要:Este artículo recoge la experiencia didáctica llevada a cabo en el colegio Santa María, nacida con una triple motivación: Fomentar la cohesión entre los alumnos de Educación Infantil y Educación Secundaria Mejorar la competencia digital de los alumnos Aprender Historia de una manera atractiva y lúdica. Para ello los alumnos de 2º de la ESO crearon actividades digitales y diseñaron sesiones de enseñanza para sus compañeros de 5 años (tercer curso de Educación Infantil). La evaluación del proyecto fue muy positiva, ya que se cumplieron los objetivos y se alcanzaron las competencias programadas. This article gathers the didactic experiences that have been recently undertaken at Santa Maria College, an experience which was born with a triple motivation: To promote a sense of unity cohesion between the students in Childrens Education and the students in Secondary Education. Improve the digital competences of all the students. Learn History in a playful and more appealing way. To pursue this aim the students of the second cycle of Secondary Education created digital activities and designed teachable sessions for their counterparts in the 3rd level of Childrens education (5 years old). Taking into account that all aims were achieved and the programmed skills were developed, the evaluation of the project was very gratifying for all members involved.