摘要:Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan instrumen three-tier test sistem reproduksi manusia dalam mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa. Instrumen dikembangkan dengan model Treagust
yang memiliki tiga tahapan yaitu mendefinisikan konten; memperoleh informasi; pengembangan tes
diagnostik. Sebanyak 100 siswa dijadikan subjek. Seluruh item soal terdiri 15 butir soal tergolong valid,
dengan hasil analisis realibilitas sebesar 0.717, rerata uji daya beda 0.45, semua item soal berada pada
rentangan 0.35–0.67 pada tingkat kesukaran, validitas konstruknya r = 0.531, N = 100, p = 0.000. Uji validitas konten persentase false negative sebesar 6.47% dan false positive sebesar 9.07%. Berdasarkan
hasil analisis maka instrumen layak untuk mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa.
其他摘要:The purpose of this research was to develop a three-tier test of the human reproductive system in identifying student misconceptions. The instrument was developed by Treagust model which
has three stages of defining content; obtain information; development of diagnostic tests. A total of
100 students were subjected. All question items consist of 15 items have been classified as valid, with
result of reliability analysis equal to 0.717, average test of power difference 0.45, all item problem is in
range 0.35–0.67 at level of difficulty, construct validity r = 0.531, N = 100, p = 0.000. False negative content validity test is 6.47% and false positive is 9.07%. Based on the analysis result, this instrument is
feasible to identify student misconception.
关键词:sistem reproduksi manusia; miskonsepsi; three;tier test ; siswa