摘要:Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan tes identifikasi aplikasi hukum-hukum Newton tentang gerak kepada mahasiswa berupa soal pilihan ganda pada mahasiswa yang terdaftar pada matakuliah
Mekanika dan Fisika Dasar. Analisis didasarkan pada jawaban mahasiswa dan tingkat kepercayaan mahasiswa terhadap kebenaran jawabannya secara kuantitatif deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil analisis tes
identifikasi diperkuat dengan thinking map hukum-hukum Newton sajian mahasiswa dan ditindaklanjuti
dengan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsepsi mahasiswa tentang gerak dan hukum-hukum Newton dalam kategori “Kurang Paham”. Mahasiswa calon guru perlu belajar dan mempelajari
konsep Gerak dan Hukum Newton secara aplikatif dan dipengaruhi oleh common sense.
其他摘要:The study was conducted by giving an identification test on Newton’s laws of motion application in the form of multiple choice questions to students who were enrolled in Mechanics and Basic
Physics Courses. The analysis was based on student answers and the level of student confidence in
the correctness of the answers in quantitative descriptive and qualitative. The results of the analysis of
identification tests were reinforced by thinking map of Newton’s laws of student presentation and followed up by interviews. The results show that students’ conceptions of motion and Newton’s laws is
insufficient. Prospective teacher students are required to learn the concepts of Motion and Newton’s
Law applied and influenced by common sense.