摘要:This is an action research that aims to identify and improve classroom management skill of six homeroomteachers in a low socio economic elementary school. Classroom management skill is defined as teacher’s abilityto create and maintain a learning environment that conducive to learning. The classroom management skill ismeasured using an observation based rating scales and semi structured interviews. The findings showed thatclassroom management sk ills were lacking among the majority of participants because they did not havesufficient knowledge about classroom management and did not understand their class’ needs. After two periodsof intervention, the participants’ classroom management skill is imp roved. It was revealed that individualcoaching is more effective than training method in improving classroom management skill. Furthermore,educational background and previous professional experience influenced participants’ classroom managementskill. Ho wever, participants with the relevant educational background do not automatically master classroommanagement skill, unless supported with professional experience.
关键词:classroom management; low socio;economic school; action research