摘要:A educação a distância tem se destacado como uma nova forma de acesso ao ensino superior em todo o Brasil. Neste contexto, este artigo tem por objetivo descrever a prática e o nível de compreensão de algumas ferramentas do ensino superior da modalidade a distância da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM), no polo de Teófilo Otoni, em Minas Gerais. A abordagem empregada caracteriza-se como quantitativa e qualitativa. Utilizaram-se como ferramentas de coleta de dados a pesquisa bibliográfica, a observação participante e um questionário semiestruturado (misto). Outra fonte utilizada no estudo foi uma consulta pública no Grupo de Apoio ao Aluno (GAA). Este artigo teve como categorias analíticas as definições e conceitos contidos nos Referenciais de Qualidade para a Educação Superior a Distância. Como embasamento legal, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação (LDB), no intuito de buscar subsídios legais importantes na análise da relação existente entre a realidade do EAD e as normas que regulamentam esta modalidade de ensino superior na UFVJM. Os dados coletados demonstraram os seguintes fatores limitantes da compatibilidade das práticas de ensino EAD, na opinião dos entrevistados: a infraestrutura do sistema EAD, material didático e equipe multidisciplinar. Em relação às potencialidades destacam-se o nível de compreensão da plataforma Moodle, as vídeoaulas e a flexibilidade de horários de estudos. Pelos dados da pesquisa documental do GAA, verificou-se como maior dificuldade prá- tica a falta de retorno (feedbacks) por parte dos professores e tutores. Por meio da análise da pesquisa, e apoiado em parte por pesquisa bibliográfica, infere-se que o sucesso da modalidade de ensino EAD depende de sua compatibilização com os referenciais de qualidade e normativas que abrangem o atendimento às dimensões relativas aos aspectos pedagógicos, aos recursos humanos e à infraestrutura.Palavras-chave: Ensino superior, Educação a distância, Avaliação de sistemas EAD. Distance Education: Practical Difficulties and Potentialities at Teófilo Campus in Minas Gerais AbstractDistance education has emerged as a new form of access to higher education throughout Brazil. In this context, this article aims to describe the practice and level of understanding of some distance learning higher education tools of the UFVJM, at Teófilo Otoni campus in Minas Gerais. The approach used is characterized as quantitative and qualitative. Bibliographic research, participant observation and a mixed questionnaire were used as data collection tools. Another source used in the study was a public consultation in the Student Support Group (GAA). This article has as analytical categories the definitions and concepts found in the Referenciais de Qualidade para a Educação Superior a Distância (Quality References for Distance Higher Education). The Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação - Law on Guidelines and Bases of Education (LDB) were used in order to seek important legal resources in the analysis of the relationship between the reality of Distance Education and the norms that regulate this modality of higher education in UFVJM. The data collected showed the following factors limiting the compatibility of Distance Education teaching practices according to the interviewees: infrastructure of the Distance Education system, educational material and multidisciplinary team. Regarding positive factors, the level of understanding of the Moodle platform, the video lectures, and the flexibility of study time were relevant. From the research data of the GAA document, the lack of feedback by teachers and tutors was found as a practical issue. Through the analysis of the research and supported in part by bibliographic research, it is inferred that the success of Distance Education mode depends on its compatibility with the quality and normative frameworks that cover the dimensions related to pedagogical aspects, human resources and infrastructure.Keywords: Higher education, Distance education, Evaluation of distance education systems.
其他摘要:It has been spread the idea, which distance learning, despite the possibility
of expanding access to higher education, suffers from some limitations. The
mainly thought, perceived both by students and other agents related to higher
education, regards to the lower quality of distance education. However, there
is lack of studies about the content and rationality of these perceptions, as well
how they have evolved over time. This article intends to fill this gap through a
case study in distance learning management course of the Federal University of
Santa Catarina – Brazil. To reach this objective, it was used both qualitative and
quantitative data, through interviews and through questionnaires, respectively.
The sample comprised students who graduated between 2010 and 2014, in
different campus of the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. Data
were analyzed through content analysis and descriptive analysis. The main
results pointed out, in general terms, that graduates were satisfied with their
undergraduate experience and that the course still suffers from misconceptions
about distance education quality and seriousness. However, there have been
indications that this view has been declining, especially when they are offered by
good reputation institutions, such as the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
关键词:Ensino Superior;Educação a Distância;avaliação de sistemas EAD.
其他关键词:Distance learning; Brazil Open University; Students perceptions