摘要:A educação a distância envolve múltiplos sujeitos, cenários e experiências através das tecnologias digitais, promovendo um processo educativo que se modifica constantemente. Assim, este artigo tem como objetivo identificar quem são os estudantes matriculados, de 2007 a 2016, na modalidade a distância em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande: FURG. Para tanto, realizou-se um levantamento no sistema da Universidade para ter acessos aos dados de matrícula que permitissem realizar o mapeamento. A análise foi balizada nos estudos do processo evolutivo entre as gerações Baby Boomers, X e Y na perspectiva de Oliveira (2009). Situar temporalmente quem são esses estudantes e quais são as gerações presentes na educação a distância torna-se fundamental, para refletir e elaborar estratégias pedagógicas que atendam os anseios e as especificidades do contexto atual da educação superior pública. Da mesma forma, problematizar o tema é como uma mola propulsora para que as instituições de educação superior (re)pensem a educação a distância como uma latente possibilidade de interações e construções neste processo educativo e coletivo. Palavras-chave: Educação a Distância, Estudantes, Gerações, Tecnologias Digitais. The Generations in EaD: Connected RealitiesAbstract Distance Education involves multiple subjects, scenarios, and experiences through digital technologies, promoting an educational process that is constantly changing. Thus, this article aims to identify who the enrolled students are, from 2007 to 2016, in distance mode in undergraduate and graduate courses of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande: FURG. To do so, a data collection of student registration in the University was conducted to allow the mapping. The analysis was based on studies of the evolutionary process between the Baby Boomers, X and Y generations from Oliveira (2009) perspective. To situate temporarily who these students are and which are the generations present in distance education, becomes fundamental to reflect and elaborate pedagogical strategies that meet the wishes and specificities of the current context of public higher education. Likewise, seeing that as a problem is a driving force for higher education institutions to (re) think distance education as a latent possibility of interactions and constructions in this educational and collective process.Keywords: Distance education, Students, Generations, Technologies.
其他摘要:Distance Education involves multiple subjects, scenarios, and experiences
through digital technologies, promoting an educational process that is constantly
changing. Thus, this article aims to identify who the enrolled students are,
from 2007 to 2016, in distance mode in undergraduate and graduate courses
of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG. To do so, a data collection of
student registration in the University was conducted to allow the mapping. The
analysis was based on studies of the evolutionary process between the Baby
Boomers, X and Y generations from Oliveira (2009) perspective. To situate
temporarily who these students are and which are the generations present in
distance education, becomes fundamental to reflect and elaborate pedagogical
strategies that meet the wishes and specificities of the current context of public
higher education. Likewise, seeing that as a problem is a driving force for higher
education institutions to (re) think distance education as a latent possibility of
interactions and constructions in this educational and collective process.
关键词:educação a distância;estudantes;gerações;tecnologias