摘要:There is no specific regulation which regulate about aircraft collateral in the credit agreement in the development of the aviation industry.The problem makes differences interpretation of regarding collateral institutions which are used and how the implementation of it in the society.The conditions result in lack of legal protection for parties in aircraft collateral.
其他摘要:There is no specific regulation which regulate about aircraft collateral in the credit agreement in the development of the aviation industry. The problem makes differences interpretation of regarding collateral institutions which are used and how the implementation of it in the society. The conditions result in lack of legal protection for parties in aircraft collateral. Keywords : C ollateral , A ircraft , C redit A greement Sampai saat ini belum ada peraturan hukum khusus yang mengatur tentang penjaminan pesawat udara dalam perjanjian kredit dalam pengembangan industri penerbangan. Hal ini mengakibatkan terjadinya perbedaan penafsiran mengenai lembaga jaminan mana yang digunakan dan bagaimana pelaksanannya di dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Kondisi demikian berakibat kurangnya kepastian hukum serta perlindungan hukum bagi para pihak dalam penggunaan jaminan pesawat udara. Kata Kunci : Jaminan, Pesawat Udara, Perjanjian Kredit