摘要:Every teaching and learning process needs to be evaluated. One aspect that is
evaluated is teaching material that is prepared and used by the teacher. Evaluation of
teaching material can be done by asking for an assessment of students (students) as
users of the material. This study aims to describe the results of student evaluations
of integrative and content-based Indonesian language teaching material models
for specific purposes of agriculture for foreign speakers. This research is evaluative
research. The evaluation used in learning is program evaluation and not learning
outcomes. Respondents were 14 students of BIPA IPB Developing Country Partnership
Program (KNB). Data analysis based on the feasibility evaluation category with three
criteria, namely discarded, maintained with revision, and maintained. The results of
the study are as follows. First, the results of student evaluations are subject to the
draft teaching material in the high category, with details: draft one 4.0 (high); second
draft 4.3 (high); and third draft 4.5 (very high). Secondly, the input submitted, namely
the need to add a variety of listening tasks (draft first), variations in the overall form
of the task (second draft), perfecting the task of listening, reading, and layout (third