摘要:The paper shows a multicriteria evaluation model in order to rank different development scenario if an historical district in Turin (Italy). The scenarios aim to a reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions allowing a more efficient use of the energy resources. The simulation assessment provided refers to an European project named DIMMER (District Information Modelling and Management for Energy Reduction) and starts assuming that the highest energy consumption of buildings comes from the operative phase (80%). The methodology applied for the assessment of the scenarios is MACBETH (Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical Based Evaluation Technique). MACBETH is an Additive Value Model method requiring a non numerical approach in order to build a quantitative values model. The methodology is here applied from a public decision-maker’s point of view with the aim of finding the most probable energy development scenario. The simulation of decision-making process is divided into three phases: 1) analysis of the decision problem and structuring the MACBETH model; 2) weighting of the elements at stake following the pair-wise comparison required by the methodology; 3) analysis for the results.
关键词:ICT; DIMMER pro ject; Energy efficiency; Multicriteria; MACBETH approach